**UPDATE POSTPONED** SW4CA Workshop (2) @ Samoa House Library
Sun, 27 Aug
**UPDATE POSTPONED** A songwriting and poetry workshop. Let's get creating for The Songwriters4ClimateAction Project this year.

Time & Location
27 Aug 2023, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Auckland, Level 2/283 Karangahape Road, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
About the event
**Update** , Kia ora whanau, this event is postponed as we will put our efforts into the events in September. We'll be back at Samoa House for our workshop on Sunday 17th September 3-5pm :) Sorry for any inconvenience.
It’s time we start kicking off workshops for the #songwriters4climateaction project. Holding Space are thrilled to be hosted by @samoahouselibrary on K Rd for 2 events in August.
We’ll be looking at our plans for the year (events, recording, performance opportunities) and exploring songwriting and poetry inspired by our environment and current climate crisis 🚨🌏 Are you interested in writing music / poetry or just getting inspired by our conversations? Then come along 🙂
Email: holdingspaceaotearoa@gmail.com to RSVP or for more info ✨
Sunday 27 August 2pm-4pm
Hosted by Ema I'u
*Bring something to write on*
Please note to get in you'll need to txt Ema on 0212322593 to let you in the building.
Songwriters 4 Climate Action is a Project intended to bring together community-based performers through a series of workshops and activities; to help support and inspire them to develop songs, artwork and start conversations that highlight the challenges and hopes for climate action. Our aim is to work towards live performances and record songs / creative content (to a professional standard) that we can share on multiple platforms to help spread awareness and positivity around this kaupapa. This Project has expanded to promote the collaboration and response of artists to the work of Kaitiaki and other experts active in the Climate Field. Through this process we hope to support dialogue and connection between many communities, all learning a thing or two along the way.
Check out our SW4CA 1. Album made last year: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/songwriters4climateaction/sw4ca-vol-1
Thanks to Waitematā Local Board for supporting this project.
Check out our other upcoming events in September as part of The Auckland Climate Festival https://www.aucklandclimatefestival.co.nz
#SW4CA #songwriters4climateaction #songwritingworkshop #poetryworkshop #samoahouselibrary #krd #august #communityworkshops #waitematālocalboard #waitematā #aucklandcity #holdingspaceaotearoa